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Jean talks to "Other Theresa" about her Creative Writing Workshops

On the Nextdoor site Other Theresa says of her coming series of free Creative Writing workshops:

"Drawing on the theme of personal growth and positive action during 2020, Other Theresa, a Walthamstow-based writer, poet and teacher, offers six live and interactive creative writing workshops, via Zoom. Just bring a pen, a notepad, an open mind – and the intention to enjoy!

"The key aim of these workshops is to explore different ideas, emotions and thoughts, then to look at expressing them in different written genres, including journaling, prose, scriptwriting and poetry (including spoken word).

"Each workshop will focus upon one written form (eg: poetry) and include short activities intended to prompt creative expression. Whether you’re curious to explore different forms of writing or are inspired to build on your existing skills, Other Theresa will help you to channel your ‘writing voice’. With support from Waltham Forest Council.

"Starts Tuesday, 3 November. 11am-12pm for 6 weeks. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU BOOK IN FOR EACH WORKSHOP AS PLACES ARE LIMITED TO 20 PER SESSION. Workshops will be hosted online – via Zoom. Your Zoom link will be emailed to you 24 hours prior to the event. Bookings can be made via Eventbrite.

"For more details contact Theresa on 0791740110 or email"

We were intrigued, and in the rather noisy garden of the Elmsdale Road house Jean of Forest Radio asked her a few more questions about the workshops and herself.

P.S. As you will hear in the interview Other Theresa wears many hats and creates work in other fields. She is an actress, poet, singer and stage performer. You can hear a lot of her work, much of which hovers somewhere between song and poetry, on her Soundcloud Channel.

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